
Ken Eliasberg

By now most of you, I’m sure, have been advised of ABC’s assessment of a trouble-free period in Iraq, i.e. via Charlie Gibson they advised us that there was no news from Iraq because no one was killed. Now one could write that off as just a silly oversight—a harmless slip of the lip, so to speak—or, in a more accurate and revealing approach to such an appraisal of the situation, one might conclude that this is the manner in which the Mainstream Media (MSM) assesses our war effort, i.e. if it wasn’t for bad news, there would be no news at all. And, actually, this is exactly how the MSM looks at things—and, at least in part, this is attributable to their linkage to the Democratic Party. Of course, the Democratic Party takes matters a big step further—to them good news in Iraq is bad news for them. Why? Because it may mean that George Bush is getting things right in Iraq, and that we are actually winning.

While I completely understand—although I do not concur in—the MSM’s need to generate excitement, and thus their policy of “if it bleeds, it leads.” However, I would think when one is at war, a more subdued approach to this policy might be in order. The Dems, on the other hand, a Party with no shame, and, at this point, one without either common sense or common decency, want bad news. Indeed, I believe they pray for it, so upsetting to them is the possibility that George Bush might get credit for anything good that happens. Now while I don’t favor the MSM’s approach to news—i.e. to excite or entertain rather than educate and/or inform “I do, as previously noted, understand the use of this approach as a marketing tool—you need to pique the reader’s curiousity. And I can comfortably live with this bit of fru fru, if it were only about excitement. However, it is the MSM’s political bias in presenting the news that is more than just distressing—it puts the lie to the entire notion of journalism. As my brother observed, if the MSM even flirted with objectivity, the Democrats might never win another election. Democratic shortcomings—even if substantial and significant—are, for the most part, papered over. Republican indiscretions (even those occasionally lacking much substance), on the other hand, are magnified and given unnecessarily prolonged coverage.

This approach would be distressing even if we lived in more peaceful and ordered times; given the times we do live in, this approach is deplorable. What is at stake here—and what doesn’t seem to bother libs at all—is the truth. And this abandonment of the search for truth is pervasive among the information purveyors in our society. In our schools, where the search for truth should be the only criterion employed, you no longer get an education; all that you get isleft-wing indoctrination. As previously noted, the guys (and gals) who wanted to burn the schools down in the

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