
Ken Eliasberg

In my last column I suggested that liberalism, as traditionally constituted, can most appropriately be understood and analysed in 3 separate and distinct contexts, i.e. emotional, political/economic, and consequential. In that earlier column I dealt with the emotional component; in this one, I want to take a look at the remaining 2 categories.

Political/Economic: Socialism.- Remember the stirring words of Jack Kennedy in his inaugural address, i.e. “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” While stirring, the words do not come close to the actual sentiments of the true “lefty.” He would not even say “ask not what your country can do for you; ask only what you can do for yourself (at least this statement, while less than patriotic, would be a call for personal responsibility). No, the real mantra of the true liberal is, and always has been, “ASK ONLY WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU” (other than, of course, provide for your national security, which is, and should be, it’s primary calling). And, it is clear that in this context, your country refers to government—and that, folks, is tantamount to socialism; a call to the government to take care of you from cradle to grave.

Examine the liberal’s position on virtually any issue. It is always the same. In virtually any context (when they are not merely trying to demagogue an issue, or, worse yet, put up a road block in the path of reasoned and reasonable progress) the liberal’s position, is always the same, i.e. we need more laws, we need more government to regulate and enforce those laws, and, of course, the inescapable conclusion—we need more money (typically, yours because liberals are no fonder of paying taxes than anyone else, particularly when the money is being thrown out on some failing or failed government program) to pay for all these governmental additions (that stay on long after either the need has disappeared or their failure to meet it has become apparent). That’s why the Democrats have, since the

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