
Ken Eliasberg

Continuing with our discussion of Ed Klein’s recent biography of Hillary Clinton—which, again, I cannot recommend too strongly—let me make several observations, which I believe reflects the gist of Klein’s excellent effort to capture the “real” Hillary. Taking off from the title “i.e. What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She’ll Go to Become President—I think it is safe to summarize the answers to these questions in the following manner:

What did she know? Everything!!!

When did she know it? As soon as it happened. In fact, I believe that in the case of the Clintons, with respect to Saturday Night Bill’s sexcapades, it is safe to say that she knew—or, at the very least, had every reason to know—it before it happened.That is, there does not appear to be any period in the couple’s life, from courtship forward, when Bill took his marital vows seriously.Also, as Klein points out, there is abundant evidence that almost all of his supporters knew of his wandering eye (which was followed quickly by his feet), and they spent a considerable amount of time trying either to hush it up or destroy the woman in question

How far will she go to become President? As far as

necessary. In other words, she will do anything, say anything,

destroy anyone in her path (a course of conduct that is discussed

at some length in this book (and at even greater length in another

recent book which I shall review at a later date, i.e. Candice

Jackson’s, Their Lives, which details what the Clinton machine

(including Hillary) did to damage some of Bill’s bimbos (the

Clinton description, not mine.)

Basically what this book does is say much of what has already been said—and what is pretty well established about the Clintons—but it does so in a more succinct and penetrating manner than any other Hillary book I have

examined (and, as I previously observed, I have pretty much read every

Hillary book—most of which are also quite good).

What Klein is saying quite simply is that the Clinton’s marriage is pretty much a charade—a charade not in the sense that they don’t love each other (who could possibly tell in view of their bizarre behavior). Rather it is a

charade that they play out for the public so that Hillary doesn’t have to

look like the Tammy Winette she told us she is not. In short, she knew of every one of his many pecadillos. How then could Monica Lewinsky make

her a victim? Only through the complicit behavior of an all too willing Democratic Party, a very obliging mainstream media, and a very gullible, sympathetic, all too forgiving public.

More than merely lying about their marriage, Klein reveals through his analysis of the soap opera that has been the Clinton’s marital and political life, how indifferent they are, on a much more global basis, to the entire process of truth-telling. They will say whatever needs to be said to acquire power, no matter how much it may vary from the actual truth.

I don’t want to spoil the reader’s enjoyment of the book by going in to chapter and verse of the details; suffice it to say, it is an excellent read.

One final point in closing, Klein has been shut out of most of the major mainstream media outlets as the result of a scorched earth approach by the Clinton apparatchiks.The ostensible reason being, of course, the allegedly salacious details contained in the book. This is pure garbage; the only thing salacious about this book is the life that the Clinton’s have led, not the retelling and analysis of that life. It is a testament to the power of the Clinton machine and its control over media outlets.

This book was written by a serious and highly respected author, and it is a serious book that everyone should read at a time when Hillary is making a pitch for the presidency. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the mainstream media had no problem interviewing Kitty Kelley - a tabloid journalist and essentially a gossip columnist—with regard to her tome on the Bushes (which contained unsubstantiated accusations of a salacious nature). The power of the Clintons in this regard, and the ready obeisance of an all too compliant media is somewhat scary.

In closing, let me just say this—READ THE BOOK!! I don’t think you’ll be disappointed

Put in at least one paragraph on the Clinton effort to keep Klein off the air. Contrast that with the treatment accorded Kitty Kelley, a gossip columnist and a tabloid journalist. Klein is a respected journalist with no connection to the political right. List his credentials.

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